The choice of shipping method is made by our company, in order to achieve the best possible and safest transfer of the customer's order.
In case the customer wants a specific way of sending, he is obliged to INFORM the company by phone and to point it out in the comments of the order.
For low volume and weight parcels Courier company is used, while for larger volume or weight parcels the appropriate loading agencies are used.
Apart from the city of Athens and Thessaloniki, parcels which are sent by shipping agencies and not Courier, are sent to the nearest agency of the customer's shipping address.
The further shipment to the customer's address is made after consultation with the transport and the ADDITIONAL costs are borne by the customer.
Shipments within Greece are NOT charged with shipping costs if the value of the order is over 100 € and if the order does NOT concern particularly VOLUME items.
In case the order concerns bulky items, the shipping cost is calculated after consultation with our company.
The companies we work with are: ELTA courier, General Post, ACScourier.